As part of our agribusiness development PAL has over the years arranged credit and other investments from Financial Intermediaries (FIs) for Small Medium and Large enterprises within the rice, maize and soy value chains. The financial facilitation which includes: (1)Identification of financial institutions (2)Development of small medium and large enterprise client engagement letters and presentation of these to support institutions (3)Business plan development (where applicable) and activation of loan or equity application processes on behalf client firm(4)Preparation and submission of proposals to Financial Institutions (5)Arranging meetings with the CEOs and Credit Officers/Credit Committees, and negotiating loan terms with the FIs.(6)Following through to obtain the FI�s Terms Sheets and ensure advancement of credit and/or equity to the client small medium and large enterprises.
Our skilled experts are always ready to design a well standard technical proposal to meet your personal and organizational needs, PAL also designs modules for training with relevant institutions, drafting of Financial Proposals and Finalization of final proposal and ensure all required documentation is included for submission.
Assessment of the internal management systems of small medium and large enterprises to identify gaps for capacity building. Identification of capacity building needs for clients. Performance improvement Packages for clients in Admin, Accounts, Operations, IT and legal among others
Our skilled experts are always ready to design a well standard technical proposal to meet your personal and organizational need, PAL also designs modules for training for relevant institutions, draft Financial Proposals.